International Seminar
«Mathematics, Statistics and Computation to Support Measurement Quality»
28 May- 31 May, 2018
St.Petersburg, Russia

Download the program of the seminar

Date Morning session Lunch Afternoon session evening
28.05.2018 14:00–18:00
Half-day satellite meeting
GUM New Perspective
29.05.2018 10:00-14:00
Session 1: Measurement models, hypothesis testing, measurement uncertainty
14:00-15:00 15:00-17:50
Session 2: Interval analysis

N. Fisher Presentation of MATHMET, the European center of mathematics and statistics

Conference tour
30.05.2018 10:00-13:00
Session 3: Measurement uncertainty evaluation, calibration, comparisons
13:00-14:00 14:00-17:30
Session 4: Reference materials and analytical measurements

Round table discussion

Conference Dinner
31.05.2018 09:30-13:00
Session 5: Metrology for medicine

Monday, May 28, 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Session 1: Models, hypothesis testing, calculation of measurement uncertainties
10:00-10:20 M. Cox (NPL, UK)
Mathematical software self-testing
10:20-10:40 I. Zakharov (NSC "Institute of Metrology", Ukraine)
Kurtosis method for the calculation of expanded uncertainty
10:40-11:00 R. Kessel (Metrodata GmbH, Germany), R. Kacker (NIST, USA), K. D. Sommer (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany)
Modelling measurement processes
11:00-11:20 V.I. Belousov, I.I. Degtyarev, V.V. Ezhela, N.P. Tkachenko (SRC KI - IHEP, Russia)
Propagation of distributions in multivariate nonlinear dependencies of random quantities
11:20-11:40 B.Yu. Lemeshko, I.V. Veretelnikova (NSTU, Russia)
On the application of k-samples tests for testing the homogeneity of distribution laws
11:40-12:20 Coffee Break
Session 1: Models, hypothesis testing, calculation of measurement uncertainties - continued
12:20-12:40 W. Bich, F. Cabiati (INRiM, Italy)
A novel procedure for the treatment of inconsistent data sets concerning a common measurand
12:40-13:00 F. Pavese (IMEKO, Italy)
Musing on use and misuse of data in science
13:00-13:20 V. Lobankov (USPTU, Russia)
On the fundamentals of measurements
13:20-14:00 V.L .Emanuel (SPbGMU, Russia), G.R. Nezhikhovsky , V.I. Suvorov (VNIIM, Russia)
Methodological foundations of the reference system formation for laboratory diagnostics in the Russian Federation
14:00-15:00 Lunch
Session 2: Interval analysis
15:00-15:20 S.P. Shary (Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Russia)
Weak and strong compatibility in data fitting problems for interval data
15:20-15:40 N. Xiao (University of Oklahoma, USA) , F. Fedele, R. Muhanna (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Interval FEM Overestimation Reduction-Matrix Decomposition Approach
15:40-16:00 B. Desrochers (DGA Tn, Brest, France), L. Jaulin (ENSTA-Bretagne, France), S. Kumkov (IMM UB RAS, Russia)
Localization with data association
16:00-16:20 A.V. Prolubnikov (OSU, Russia)
The set cover problem with interval uncertainties in weights of sets
16:20-16:50 Coffee Break
Session 2: Interval analysis - continued
16:50-17:10 К.К. Semenov (SpbSTU, Russia)
Unified representation of information about the error of measurement results when performing their mathematical processing
17:10-17:30 S. Kumkov (IMM UB RAS, Russia), L. Jaulin (ENSTA-Bretagne, France)
Comparison of interval analysis methods and standard statistical ones in a problem of estimating experimental data with uncertainties
17:30-17:50 B.S. Dobronets, O.A. Popova (SFU, Russia)
Increase of accuracy and reliable estimates of the probability density function on the basis of empirical data
17:50-18:10 N. Fisher
Presentation of MATHMET, the European center of mathematics and statistics
21:00-24:00 Excursion

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Session 3: Estimation of measurement uncertainties in calibration and comparisons
10:00-10:20 V. Witkovský (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)
Application of the Least Squares Method for the Calibration Problem by Using the Characteristic Functions Approach
10:20-10:40 A. Chunovkina, A.Stepanov (VNIIM, Russia)
Calculation of coverage intervals for convolution of normal and exponential laws
10:40-11:00 G. Wimmer (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Matej Bel University, Slovakia), P. Pavlásek (Slovak Technical University, Slovak Institute of Metrology, Slovakia) R. Palenčár, S. Duriš, J. Palenčár (Slovak Technical University, Slovakia), M.I. Maniur (Slovak Institute of Metrology, Slovakia)
Possibilities in improving platinum resistance thermometer calibration
11:00-11:20 E.I. Tsvetkov, E.S Suloeva (LETI, Russia)
Establishment of the characteristics of the measurement standard and the sample volume, ensuring the required reliability of the results of metrological tests
11:20-11:50 Coffee Break
Session 3: Estimation of measurement uncertainties in calibration and comparisons - continued
11:50-12:10 Z. Warsza (PIAP, Poland), J. Puchalski (Central Metrology Office (GUM), Poland)
Estimation of uncertainty of indirect measurements in multi-parametric systems. A few examples
12:10-12:30 А.А. Danilov (FBU "Penza CSM", Russia)
On evaluating the validity of calibration procedures
12:30-13:00 Round table discussion
Comparison of calibration laboratories
13:00-14:00 Lunch
Session 4: Reference materials and analytical measurements
14:00-14:20 Е. Sobina (UNIIM, Russia)
Specific features of establishing metrological characteristics of standard samples of sorption properties of solid porous substances and materials
14:20-14:40 S.V Medvedevskikh, M.YU. Medvedevskikh, M.P. Krasheninina (UNIIM, Russia)
Features of processing of results of single measurements in reference materials characterization
14:40-15:00 W. Bremser (BAM, Germany)
Maths challenges in purity determination
15:00-15:20 S.A. Miranovich-Kachur (LLC«Profilab», Belarus), N. Yu. Efremova, M.V. Haiduk (BelGIM, Belarus)
Uncertainty in analytical measurement classic method and new approaches to evaluation
15:20-15:40 О.N. Kremleva (UNIIM, Russia)
Algorithms of processing results of reference material comparisons, recommended by international documents
15:40-16:10 Coffee Break
Session 4: Reference materials and analytical measurements - continued
16:10-16:30 A.A. Neklyudova, A. A. Demyanov, V.Sh.Sulaberidze (VNIIM, Russia)
Standard samples of liquid viscosity, certified in the temperature range from minus 35 °C to minus 5 °C and from 100 °C to 150 °C
16:30-16:50 S. Medvedevskikh, V. Kazantsev, A. Vasilyev, V. Firsanov (UNIIM, Russia)
Algorithms for calculating units of surface density and mass fraction of elements in multicomponent coatings using State primary measurement standard GET 168-2015
16:50-17:10 L.A. Konopelko, A.V. Kolobova (VNIIM, Russia)
Integral assessment of quality of a set of industrially produced gas reference materials
17:10 S.V Medvedevskikh, V. A. Firsanov (UNIIM, Russia)
Uncertainty of measurement results in the form of weighted average estimations with consideration of errors in weighting coefficients
19:00-22:00 Conference Dinner

Thursday, May 31 2018

Session 5: Metrology for medicine
9:30-9:50 O. Melkova, E.А. Guskova, A.A. Kiriluk, Y.A. Kudeyarov , E.V. Kuliabina (VNIIMS, Russia), M. Balandina, T.V. Grebennikova, V.V. Zybezov (N.F.Gamaleya NRCEM, Russia)
Problems of metrological assurance for measuring test-systems for indicating and identifying of pathogenic biological agents
9:50-10:10 E.V. Kulyabina, Yu.A. Kudeyarov, O.N. Melkova, E.A. Guskova (VNIIMS, Russia)
Two methods for estimating the measurements results uncertainty of the α-amylase enzyme catalytic activity based on the results of participation in pilot comparisons BIPM CCQM P-137
10:10-10:30 E.A. Guskova, A.N. Pankov, E.V. Kuliabina, O.N. Melkova (VNIIMS, Russia)
Evaluation of impact software on measurement results
10:30-10:50 V.N. Kustova, G.R Nezhikhovsky (VNIIM, Russia)
Development and implementation of calibration procedures on the reference materias Uncertainty Calculation
10:50-11:10 L.A. Konopelko, V.N. Kustova, L.V. Osipova, V.I. Suvorov (VNIIM, Russia)
State and prospects of development of medical and bio-analytical measurements in VNIIM
11:10-11:30 Coffee Break
Session 5: Processing of measurement information in medicine - continued
11:30-11:50 N.P Muravskaya (VNIIOFI, Russia)
State regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the field of health care on the basis of world practice
11:50-12:10 M.S. Vonskiy (Institute of Cytology RAS, VNIIM, Russia), L.V. Osipova (VNIIM, Russia), A.L. Runov (Institute of Cytology RAS, VNIIM, Russia)
Problems of traceability and reproducibility of DNA diagnostics results in medicine
12:10-12:30 V.L. Sidorov (Saint-Petersburg State Healthcare Institution Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination, Russia), L.A. Horovskaya (NWSMU, Russia), O.D. Yagmurov (SPbSMU, Russia)
Effect of the bio-substrate stability on the quality of the PSA and IgG concentration measurements in the forensic-medical examination
12:30-12:50 L.A. Khorovskaya (North-Western State Medical University, Russia), I.O. Schmidt (St. Luka Hospital, Russia), S.N. Kovalyevskaya (Institution of Laboratory Medicine, Russia)
Local validation of pre-analytical stage technologies in a medical laboratory
12:50 L.A. Khorovskaya (NWSMU, Russia), L.I. Ivanova («Medical Center Labstori», Russia), Т.V. Lobachevskaya, Yu.P. Kovalchuk, L.V. Kotenko (SPbSMU, Russia), O.V. Chernichuk (Center of occupational pathology Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous okrug Ugra, Russia)
Assessment of comparability of laboratory research methods in the practice of clinical diagnostic laboratories
Conference closing

Gejza Wimmer and Viktor Witkovský (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)
Revisited S4 from EA-4/02 (Calibration of a gauge block of nominal length 50 mm)
O.Sh. Khakimov, N.Sh. Muminov, B.I. Kasimov, M.O.Sattarov (AndMI, Uzbekistan)
Mathematical, statistical and computer support of measurements quality of dynamic shift viscoelastic properties of liquids
S. Ďuriš (Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia), Z. Ďurišová (Slovak Institute of Metrology, Slovakia), G. Wimmer, V. Witkovský, P. Pavlásek, J. Palenčár (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)
Determination of certified value and its uncertainty by several methods showed on gaseous primary reference material of ethanol in nitrogen prepared by gravimetric method
A.Bazhenov (SpbSTU, Russia)
The use of interval analysis for poorly-posed analytical problems of spectral analysis
V.I. Belousov, I.I. Degtyarev, V.V. Ezhela, N.P. Tkachenko (SRC KI - IHEP, Russia)
e-Metrology in e-Science and in e-Industry is Urgent
Yu.N. Skovorodkina (NSC "Institute of Metrology", Ukraine)
Results of international comparisons measurements of gear wheels with evolvent profile
V.D. Mazin (SpbSTU, Russia)
The vector expression of a unit of physical quantity
L.A. Mironovsky (SUAI, Russia), V.A. Slaev (VNIIM, Russia)
Strip-transformation of images and its invariants
A. Stepanov, A. Chunovkina (VNIIM, Russia)
Estimation of confidence bands for linear regression with correlated input data
N.Burmistrova, Viktorov I.V. (VNIIM, Russia)
Investigations of the Monte Carlo estimation algorithm for inconsistent data
E.V. Osintseva («Ugrs-PGS», Russia)
Comparison of gas mixtures reference materials: planning and mathematical treatment of the results
P.M. Aronov (UNIIM, Russia)
Estimating consensus mean value of the interlaboratory measurement results with minimum increase of their uncertainty